Specialist Paint Finishes

B&G Decor Specialist is renowned for its exceptional talent in curating paint finishes that push the boundaries of visual artistry.

Our offerings span from the classic charm of trompe l'oeil to the rustic allure of stone blocking, ensuring that every space tells its own unique story. With a vast palette at our disposal, we can fine-tune hues to harmonise seamlessly with any interior vision, and we're always eager to present custom samples for that added touch of personalisation.

Our expertise isn't confined to just walls and ceilings.

The transformative power of our specialist paint finishes extends to furniture, infusing them with a distinct character. Whether it's evoking a bygone era with antiqued finishes, imparting a weathered charm with aged textures, or integrating them into a room's design language, our artists breathe life into every piece, turning them into timeless artefacts that elevate any space.

Innovative Techniques Meet Traditional Artistry

At B&G Decor Specialist, we're driven by the passion to blend contemporary innovations with the age-old art of paint application.
Each project is a canvas for us, and we delve deep into the minutiae of every surface, understanding its nuances to ensure that our specialist paint finishes don't just complement but elevate the environment they inhabit.
From delicate brush strokes that mimic nature's randomness to precision techniques that create flawless textures, our craftsmen employ a wide arsenal of methods to bring your vision to life.

Attention to Every Detail

Every space has a narrative, and our goal is to accentuate that story through our meticulously crafted paint finishes. The versatility of our services means that beyond the large expanses of walls and ceilings, even the most intricate architectural details are given their moment in the spotlight.
Cornices, mouldings, and even ornate skirting boards can be transformed into statement pieces, each telling a tale of craftsmanship and style. This holistic approach ensures that every inch of your space, no matter how overlooked or underappreciated, is touched by the magic of B&G's artistry.