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Crafting the Aesthetics of Krypton

Alien landscape set design with rugged terrain and weathered rock formations for Krypton.

Every set piece we create isn't just a mere backdrop but a character in its own right, giving depth and life to the narratives they support.


Our primary goal for "Krypton" was to transport viewers to a realm that, while fantastical, felt tangible and authentic. We aimed to strike a balance between the otherworldly allure of Krypton and the relatable touchstones of human architecture and design. Meticulous attention was paid to textures, patterns, and lighting, ensuring that every element contributed to a cohesive environment that spoke of Krypton's rich history and culture.


Inspired by both classical and futuristic aesthetics, our design philosophy for "Krypton" was to meld the familiar with the alien. The grand structures, interwoven patterns, and intricate details are reminiscent of ancient civilisations, yet they are presented in a context that is unmistakably extraterrestrial. This juxtaposition serves as a reminder that while Krypton might be light-years away, its stories, at their core, are deeply human.

Artistic set design featuring symmetrical wooden structures and organic patterns on Krypton.
The Heart of Krypton: Artistic Elegance in Set Design with a Symmetrical Aesthetic
001. Innovative Design Meets Function

Merging hexagonal patterns with modern architectural elements, this space embodies the synergy between design and functionality.

002. Journey Through Artistic Elegance

Step into a world where every corner is a masterpiece.These hallways not only serve as a passage, but also as artistic statements.

003. Nature-Inspired Architectural Marvel

Drawing inspiration from the serenity of nature, our unique space showcases intricate patterns and flowing lines, transporting visitors to a tranquil oasis.