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Game of Thrones Museum

Bringing Fiction to Life: Our Contributions to the Game of Thrones Museum


To offer a visual narrative that immerses the audience in a transformative experience, bridging the realms of history and artistry.

Each installation is meticulously designed to evoke deep emotions and provoke thought, allowing visitors to transcend time and place.

Through the strategic interplay of light, texture, and detail, we aim to craft a multisensory journey that challenges perceptions, ignites curiosity, and celebrates the intricacies of artistic expression

Whispers from the North: Stark silhouettes amidst the tangled webs of Winterfell's lore
Step into a world of legends and lore, where iconic symbols of power take centre stage.


Thank you for joining us on this journey. At B&G, we take immense pride in bringing visions to life, and it's been an honour to work alongside the museum in creating this experience.

The exhibits speak to the dedication, passion, and meticulous craftsmanship of everyone involved. We're humbled by the positive feedback and the smiles of every visitor.

If you've enjoyed this virtual tour, imagine what we can craft together in reality. Here's to creating more stories, together.